Saturday, September 11, 2010

Welcome to the Positivity Pow Wow!

A place where we can exercise our ability to feel good, think happy thoughts and
be inspired to live!
What fun thing have you done today? Make time for fun! Have you taken the time today to do something that makes you happy???
Here are some simple ideas: Put on the radio and dance!Skip around!Leap and Sing just because!
Sometimes adults can be so serious!
I created this blog to keep myself in check! not take life sooo seriously and stay motivated to have a good attitude, because attitude is everything!
Ohhh and to remind myself to consciously generate positive thoughts and feelings because if we don't who will!

What would it feel like to have $3,000,000?
What would you do? How does it feel not to have any money concerns because you have sooo much? How does that make your body feel? mine feels light and free! cultivate this feeling! It is empowering!

Next one is your dream vacation! where? Hawaii, Bali, Costa Rica, Barcelona, Florida anywhere!
Feel your feet on the sandy beach or imagine the unique foreign architecture! I see palm trees, sunsets, fresh air.

Go to Your favorite memory of a place:
What is your most favorite place? A waterfall, a loved ones home, a beach
Go to this place in your daydreams consciously, feel how good it is to be there!


  1. Yaay, nice blog start! I remember generating positive thoughts about a trip to Europe, it was so much fun.
